Year: 1906 Popularity DescendingPopularity AscendingRating DescendingRating AscendingRelease Date DescendingRelease Date AscendingTitle (A-Z)Title (Z-A) Dream of a Rarebit FiendMovie 6.34 Watch trailer 1906, US, Fantasy Humorous Phases of Funny FacesMovie 5.71 1906, US, Comedy The ‘?’ MotoristMovie 6.4 Watch trailer 1906, GB, Science Fiction The Consequences of FeminismMovie 6.3 1906, FR, Comedy The Hilarious PostersMovie 6.01 1906, FR, Fantasy The Merry Frolics of SatanMovie 6.35 Watch trailer 1906, FR, Comedy The Story of the Kelly GangMovie 5.29 1906, AU, Crime The WitchMovie 6.2 1906, FR, Family