Year: 1896 Popularity DescendingPopularity AscendingRating DescendingRating AscendingRelease Date DescendingRelease Date AscendingTitle (A-Z)Title (Z-A) Rip Meeting the DwarfMovie 4.29 1896, US, Rip Passing Over the MountainMovie 4.25 1896, US, Rip’s ToastMovie 4.18 1896, US, Rip’s Twenty Years’ SleepMovie 4.3 1896, US, Rough Sea at DoverMovie 5.05 1896, GB, Documentary SandowMovie 5.1 1896, US, Documentary The Cabbage-Patch FairyMovie 5.2 Watch trailer 1896, FR, Fantasy The Haunted CastleMovie 6.4 Watch trailer 1896, FR, Fantasy The KissMovie 5.23 1896, US, Drama The Mechanical ButcherMovie 5.7 1896, FR, Comedy The Vanishing LadyMovie 6.2 Watch trailer 1896, FR, Mystery